Greener Galleries


Calculating our emissions has been one of our first actions. By better understanding our impacts we have been able to manage them more effectively. Our scope 1 and 2 (energy and fuel) and our scope 3 (flights, freight, exhibition construction and other) emissions are independently audited by ERM. Based on these metrics our reductions are directed by a comprehensive strategy across our galleries.

Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

By understanding and measuring our impacts, we are taking responsibility for our commitment by enrolment in the Science Based Targets initiative. This means that we have demonstrated an externally validated set of emissions and targets with a pathway to achieving our reduction goal of 50 percent by 2030 in line with the Paris Agreement.

See our SBTi commitments here.


We are working hard towards 100% fully renewable energy and already have switched our providers in the UK, Switzerland and Spain, saving 800 tCO2e since we began to track our emissions in 2019. Our gallery team ensure that we imbed energy conscious behaviour into our operations through an internal program called Hauser & Wirth Switch Off.

We have completed detailed energy audits of our key locations and are implementing the recommendations of these studies by transitioning to LED lighting; optimising our heating and cooling systems and switching to electric vehicles where possible.

Exhibition carbon budgets

In 2022, we started gathering data specifically on the emissions of our exhibitions, to better understand the carbon costs of freight, packing, crating, construction and travel associated with exhibitions. This data enables us to set exhibition carbon budgets and to analyse and cap impacts. In 2023, our team are identifying measurable reductions based on these budgets and are continuously reviewing the efficacy of these tools. The plans for the carbon budgets have been developed in consultation with internationally recognised consultants, the Carbon Accounting Company.

Menorca Preservation

Menorca is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and, in the interest of protecting the unique natural environment of its location, Hauser & Wirth Menorca supports Menorca Preservation, a non-profit which gathers funds for local initiatives on sea preservation, sustainable agricultural development and renewable energies. Hauser & Wirth Menorca is a pilot organization to join the Plastic Free Menorca Commitment and fight against single-use plastic.