Installation view, ‘Roni Horn. A RAT SURRENDERED HERE’, Château la Coste, 2021 © Roni Horn. Pictured: Roni Horn, Water Double, v. 4, (2016-2019). Photo: Francois Deladerrière

Spotlight on Global Summer Exhibitions

15 July 2021

From career-spanning presentations to site-specific murals and immersive large-scale installations, this selection of summer exhibitions features works on view and exhibitions opening soon by our artists around the globe

See exhibitions featuring works by Roni Horn, Pipilotti Rist, George Condo, Max Bill, and Mika Rottenberg, along with a group exhibition which includes works by Ellen Gallagher, Christina Quarles, Lorna Simpson and Luchita Hurtado, among others.

Installation view, ‘Roni Horn. A RAT SURRENDERED HERE’, Château la Coste, 2021 © Roni Horn. Pictured: Roni Horn, Water Double, v. 4, (2016-2019). Photo: Francois Deladerrière

Pipilotti Rist, Open My Glade (still), 2000 © Pipilotti Rist

At Château la Coste in Aix-en-Provence, ‘A RAT SURRENDERED HERE’ explores the theme of death in the work of the American artist Roni Horn. The exhibition premieres a 10-ton glass installation, Water Double, v. 4 (2016—2019), along with sculpture, photography, and drawings. The title of the exhibition is taken from a poem by Emily Dickinson, which Horn incorporated in an aluminum sculpture from her Key and Cue series (1994—1995).

The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, will hold the first West Coast survey of the internationally renowned Swiss media artist Pipilotti Rist this summer. The exhibition includes more than thirty years of the Zürich-based artist’s work, encompassing early single-channel videos, large-scale installations brimming with color and hypnotic musical scores and sculptures that merge everyday objects, video, and decorative forms.

Pipilotti Rist: Big Heartedness, Be My Neighbor’ also debuts a new audio-video installation made specifically for The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA.

George Condo, The Picture Gallery, 2002 © George Condo

The Picture Gallery,’ the largest solo exhibition by George Condo in Asia, will bring together more than 90 paintings made throughout the artist’s career and will debut a new series of large-scale canvases made specifically for this presentation. Curated by Massimiliano Gioni, the exhibition focuses on some of the most important cycles and bodies of works that have defined Condo’s art since the late 1970s.

Max Bill, fläche im raum durch eine linie begrenzt, c. 1952/1994 © 2021 ProLitteris, Zurich

Mika Rottenberg, Cosmic Generator (still), 2017 © Mika Rottenberg

An exhibition devoted to Max Bill’s diverse body of work will be on view at Zentrum Paul Klee. ‘max bill. global’ will feature paintings and sculptures, as well as designs for posters, fonts and furniture by the artist. As a major theorist and co-founder of Concrete Art he sought dialogue with artists from Europe, the United States and Latin America.

For the first time, this exhibition will address Bill’s global network, which included artists such as: Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Wassily Kandinsky, Georges Vantongerloo, Josef Albers, Tomas Maldonado, Maria Vieira and many others. At the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, an exhibition of works by Mika Rottenberg will present a new category of works from the artist—kinetic sculptures that call for the active participation of the viewer.

The artist’s work Cosmic Generator from 2017 will also be on view. Scenery, films, and visitors will form new alliances and showcasing art at a time when globalization, science fiction, and absurd comedy play key roles.

Ellen Gallagher, Odalisque, 2005 © Ellen Gallagher

Christina Quarles, Small Offerings, 2017 © Christina Quarles

In California, a major survey exploring recent feminist practices in contemporary art is opening at Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive. ‘New Time: Art and Feminisms in the 21st Century’ will feature works by Louise Bourgeois, Nicole Eisenman, Ellen Gallagher, Jenny Holzer, Luchita Hurtado, Simone Leigh, Christina Quarles, and Lorna Simpson. This exhibition marks the debut of Hurtado’s site-specific mural for BAMPFA’s Art Wall, which is her most monumental painting to date and among the last works she made. — View more museum exhibitions