Forest + Found, The Subjective Element, 2019

Opening Reception: Biophilia

  • Fri 16 July 2021
  • 4 – 8 pm

Join us in celebrating the opening of ‘Biophilia’ at Make Hauser & Wirth Somerset For the exhibition ‘Biophilia’, artists Abigail Booth and Max Bainbridge examine the complex relationship and innate affinity of humankind with the natural world at a time of critical change. Reflecting on how their own psyches continue to be shaped by interactions with plants, trees, and interconnected ecology, both artists draw upon deeply personal narratives formed by their physical encounters with nature. In light of their recent move to rural Somerset, this new body of work contemplates the transitional experience of finding yourself surrounded by the unfamiliar and the ways in which we seek out a sense of belonging through the tactile memory of making. As the landscapes of their imagination collide with a total immersion in nature, the resulting works are a direct response to a new and evolving sense of place, while retaining the intimate connections of their past. This event takes place from 4 – 8 pm at Make Hauser & Wirth Somerset, 13 High Street, Bruton, Somerset BA10 0AB.