
Nadia Ghulam on migration

Fri 22 October 2021
7 – 10.30pm

Join us for an evening on migration organized with the local NGO Fons Menorquí de Cooperació, which supports projects related to sustainability, the movement of people and climate change.

Visitors will be introduced to Mark Bradford’s exhibition ‘Masses and Movements’ in a guided visit. The local organization Tangram will perform a reading of selected texts, followed by a talk by the Afghani writer Nadia Ghulam on migration.

The evening will continue with a tasting of recipes created by migrant associations at Cantina.

Departure from Moll de Llevant 61 with the ferry at 7 pm, returning at 10 pm. Tickets cost 15 euro and include all activities in the evening.

About the exhibition ‘Mark Bradford. Masses and Movements’ includes a suite of new work based on the Waldseemüller map, known as the first to use the name ‘America’ in print, in 1507.

About Nadia Ghulam Nadia Ghulam is an Afghani writer whose life has been marked by the impact of the civil war and Taliban regime. Her book about her experiences, ‘El secret del meu turbant (The Secret of My Turban)’, won the Prudenci Bertrana Prize.