Golub lays on his painting with the meat cleaver

CinemArt Screening: Golub: Late Works Are the Catastrophes

  • Fri 9 October 2020
  • 12.15 pm

Jerry Blumenthal and Gordon Quinn ‧ USA ‧ 2004 ‧ 80 min ‧ E‧16
The life and work of the controversial American painter Leon Golub is the subject of this documentary film, who is best known for his explicit depictions of war and battle scenes. It's not just about a profile of a painter with a political conscience, but an investigation into the power of the artist to reflect our times — and to change the way we think about our world. CinemArt is a film series presented by Hauser & Wirth in collaboration with Arthouse Zürich. A cinematic journey into the art world, this series offers unique views into the lives and work of significant international artists, including a selection connected to Hauser & Wirth’s programme.