László Moholy-Nagy, Untitled, 1926/1928 © the Estate of László Moholy-Nagy/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn

Opening reception: ‘László Moholy-Nagy’

  • Tue 21 May 2019
  • 6 pm

Please join us for the opening reception of works by László Moholy-Nagy, coinciding with the centenary of the Bauhaus in 2019. Considered one of the most influential figures of the avantgarde, Moholy-Nagy’s innovative and diverse practice spans photography, painting, sculpture, film and design. Renowned for his time as a professor at the Bauhaus school in Dessau, the artist was influenced by the rapidly changing technology of the modernist period and was a strong advocate for the reconciliation of technology and industry into the arts. The exhibition is curated by the artist’s grandson Daniel Hug and examines Moholy-Nagy as a proto-conceptual artist. The key works in the presentation include a replica of his landmark kinetic sculpture ‘Light Prop for an Electric Stage’ (Light Space Modulator) (1930), the film ‘Lichtspeiel Schwarz-Weiss-Grau’ (1930), a number of his constructivist paintings from the 20s and 30s and the artist’s photograms.