Autumn Workshop: Multicolour Linocut Prints

  • Fri 7 December 2018
  • 10 am – 4 pm

This Autumn, we are proud to present a solo exhibition of works by Japanese-born, Paris-based artist, Takesada Matsutani which includes a selection of the artists prints dating from the 1960s. Inspired by this exhibition, we'll be exploring printmaking at Hauser & Wirth Somerset this Autumn. Join us for this one-day printmaking workshop where you will have the chance to create your own unique artwork. The day will begin with an informal talk about the printmaking process, looking at a range of artists who work with this medium, followed by a hands-on creative workshop where we will focus on designing, cutting and printing lino blocks to make a layered colour print.

This course is suitable for beginners. Participants are invited to bring along photographs or drawings as source material and inspiration. All materials will be provided.

This workshop is led by Penny Grist, printmaking lecturer at Bath Spa University. She has exhibited her prints in many exhibitions, was Artist in Residence at Ditching Museum during their International Letterpress exhibition and has recently returned from Spain where she ran creative workshops for WOMAD festival.

The workshop will take place at Hauser & Wirth Somerset on Friday 7 December 2018, from 10 am – 4 pm. 

Tickets £90 and includes lunch at Roth Bar & Grill