Book Signing with Dave Hickey

  • Thu 12 May 2016
  • 7 pm

The University of Chicago Press + Artbook / D.A.P. @ Hauser & Wirth invite you to celebrate the publication of ’25 Women: Essays on Their Art’ and for a discussion with author Dave Hickey, introduced by Dr. Julia Friedman. Calloused, insightful, cantankerous or illuminating, Dave Hickey’s writing does nothing if not illicit a visceral response. On the heels of his recently published collection of essays ’25 Women: Essays on Their Art’ (2016, University of Chicago Press) and to celebrate the landmark exhibition ‘Revolution in the Making: Abstract Sculpture By Women 1947-2016,’ Artbook and Hauser & Wirth are pleased to welcome Dave Hickey Thursday 12 May, 7 pm for a discussion of ’25 Women’ with an introduction by Dr. Julia Friedman and book signing to follow. More than a collection of essays, ’25 Women’ constitutes a body of work that reflects Hickey’s deep and prolonged engagement with influential contemporary artists including Roni Horn, Mary Heilmann and Revolution in the Making artist Lynda Benglis. With his trademark wit and raucous eloquence, Hickey’s writing cuts to the heart of deciphering the creative process, questioning institutional accountability and criticism’s role in generating thought provoking discussion through controversy. ‘…I am an adept of difficulty,’ Hickey writes in his introduction. ‘I love the mystery of gazing across the craquelure of gender gaps that still deploy themselves like canyons across our provisional utopia.’ ’25 Women: Essays on Their Art’ crystalizes that gaze into a shimmering collection of writing by a critic who has spent his 50-year career in constant conversation with women. Dave Hickey is a distinguished American art and cultural critic and the author of ‘Dragon: Four Essays on Beauty’ (1993), ‘Air Guitar: Essays on Art and Democracy’ (1997), and ‘Pirates and Farmers’ (2014) and ’25 Women: Essays on Their Art’ (2016). He has served as executive editor of ‘Art In America,’ a contributing editor for the Village Voice and as the arts editor of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Hickey was Professor of English at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, and Distinguished Professor of Criticism for the MFA Program in the Department of Art & Art History at the University of New Mexico. Julia Friedman is a Russian-born art historian, writer, and curator. Her book ‘Beyond Symbolism and Surrealism: Alexei Remizov’s Synthetic Art’ was published by Northwestern University Press in 2010. She recently compiled two collections of Dave Hickey’s digital writing ‘Dust Bunnies: Dave Hickey’s Online Aphorisms June 2014-March 2015’ (2016) and ‘Wasted Words: The Essential Dave Hickey Online Compilation’ (2016), both from PCP Press. This event is free, reservation is required. Click here to reserve a place.